If you are selected to present at the conference, please click the link below to read the presentation guidelines.
Poster Abstract
Poster presentation abstracts are invited on the conference themes below using the online abstract submission platform called PheedLoop. Your submission should be in the form of text, no more than 300 words long. If your abstract is accepted, it will be included in our online abstract link that will be distributed to all conference participants.
Please note that oral presentations are by invitation only.
Your abstract can be of any topic connected to fundamental and applied research in sustainable materials (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, wood, chitin, silk, other natural materials) and various aspects of these materials including:
- Structures and charaterizations – designs, molecular scale/nanoscale engineering, advanced characterizations
- Properties – mechanical, thermal, optical, fluidic, and ionic properties, scaling behavior with dimensions, measurement, and multiscale modeling
- Processing and manufacturing – various top-down and bottom-up approaches, additive manufacturing, sustainability in manufacturing
- Applications – bioplastics, printed electronics, biotech, batteries, micro/nano scale fluidics, water technologies, wearables, structural materials, building technologies
- Sustainability assessment – life cycle analysis (LCA), techno-economic analysis (TEA), global impact
The submission deadline is April 30th.
After reviewing the submissions, the Committee will announce their decision on or before May 15th. Once the abstracts are accepted, at least one of the authors must register for and present at the conference.
Oral Abstract
If you are invited for oral presentation by the Committee, please click the button below to submit your abstract.